Five national parks of the Madhya Pradesh will soon have eleven trained elephants to the organize jungle safaris and attract many tourists from domestic and international. A team of wildlife and elephant experts from Bandhavgarh national park go to Karnataka on the Wednesday to consider quality of the elephants government of state has offered to the provide.
Full trained elephants have in Karnataka. So, this offer we accepted chief of the wildlife warden H. S. Pabla said. The Madhya Pradesh plans to send 2 elephants each national park in the Bandhavgarh national park, Pench tiger reserve, Kanha national park, panna national park and 3 elephants would be sent to the Satpura national park.
These elephants will be used in elephant safari and manage every day relationships between human and nature in the tiger reserve. Other reason increase patrolling and stop poaching in the tiger reserves. Many tourists attracts in these national park by elephant safari, H. S. Pabla said and MP government also make plans increase in the safari of elephants for tourists. Government of the Karnataka has not kept pre condition of the animal exchange for the elephants.
The visiting Madhya Pradesh team will assess the health situation of trained elephants. The visiting team also found 15 to years elephants because age of the trained elephants main point to the team. Average age of an elephant 60 years so MP government want young elephants, those would be attracts long time MP parks.
India’s elephants about 20 % are living in the Karnataka forest and covered about 8,000 square kilometres area. According to the Karnataka’s government data there is 6,000 elephants lived in the state. Mysore. Chamarajanagar, Hassan, Ramanagaram and Kidagu districts of the Karnataka state covered 8 lacks hectares of the elephant reserves.
Trained Camps of the elephants have more than 150 starts in south India. There is most famous camps are Mysore camp and Dussehra camp.
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